Ok, so I am as sick as a dog, as my mom used to say, but I am hoping that I am on the upswing, finally!
I actually called into work on Wednesday (loser) because I felt terrible and I just couldn't make it in. Tuesday night I went to my favorite Zumba - Alison teaches it and my friend Cheryl from WW came along. Afterward I started feeling bad, Scott said I was hobbling around like an old lady. Yeah, I woke up at 3am and my throat was on FIRE. I sounded like a frog when I talked, so yeah I called in. I actually like my job, so I hate calling in, plus I feel like a loser and like they think that you are faking no matter how sick you are. I did work Thursday and Friday was my regular day off (I have every other Friday off - yay rotating 9's!). But I loafed all weekend and haven't worked out since TUESDAY. Ugh, so unacceptable. I have no idea how I am going to get these last 10-15 lbs off, get fit, and get HOT without working out. So, hoping that my nose would quit running for 45 minutes, I decided to go for a run today. I have been running on the treadmill - well, I won't lie, I ran three times on the treadmill two weeks ago. I am hoping to build up to be able to run a full 1/2 marathon, but we'll see. So, I had run 2-3 miles on the treadmill no problem so I figured I would run three miles today. OUTSIDE. For the first time ever.
So I donned my compression pants and my cool "one more mile" shirt, as well as my Adidas Supernovas...
My shirt says on the front, "if it weren't for me, you'd have nobody to pass", and on the back, "if you can read this, I'm not last". Their shirts are the best for us slow runners, at least we can make fun of ourselves. Note to self, get more shirts from them...So then I asked Scott if I looked like a runner. Yes, really it's all about the vanity, lol. I thought that maybe just maybe I may have looked kinda cool, but when I look at this photo, I realize that I really just look like a dork.
So I put on my iPod, held my iPhone to use the Nike+ gps (even though I had already mapped the route with my car and I knew the exact mileage) (Garmin coming in soon, yay!) and off I went. I decided to do a full 3 mile distance, but that the first and last 1/2 mile would be the warm up and cool down, so I really would only be running for 2 miles. So I started walking. The first thing I noticed was that my compression pants were falling down. wth? I just bought these like three weeks ago and they are supposed to be super tight to hold everything in and keep it from jiggling. well, yeah, falling down and they are a medium. seriously, could I need a small? I am afraid of buying a small anything, but that's a topic for another time. A year ago I was an XL in everything, it's very surreal....But I walked the 1/2 mile, and ran the 2 miles, almost died, then walked the last 1/2 mile.
Really, it was hard for me to run today. I don't recommend running while sick, I reaaaalllly don't, I was breathing way too hard and struggling, but at least I got my little workout in today. So according to the Nike+, I ran 2.14 miles in 24 mins, 42 sec, for an average pace of 11'30" per mile. I know that as far as runners go, that is hellaciously slow, but I will take it. The fastest I ever ran on the treadmill was a 14 minute mile, I started off at 15 minute miles, so I am really ok with this. I'll get better and faster as time goes on.
I really feel like in order to continue this journey and lose these last pounds before goal that I have to amp up my exercise and I think that running is the way to do it. I have been inspired by two bloggers: Sheryl (bitchcakes) and Suzi and they both started running to amp up their fitness. Hell, they actually inspired me to start blogging - high fives to the young and hip WW chicks, this is not your mother's WW any more! Both of these two ladies are at goal and they both have been photographed as WW success stories. I hope to be there someday. I hope to become a WW leader as well. Setting my sights high, yes, yes...
Here I am after the run with a bit of a red face but not too worse for the wear:
Well, maybe I'm a little worse for the wear but I'm sick give me a break.
Tomorrow work (got some weird meeting in the morning) and then I am working on an almost impossible project (ack). Then hopefully Zumba and maybe Yoga depending on how I feel overall.
I want to get better so I can go to Boot Camp!
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